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Our Mission:

 Through faith, focus and partnership Grace Community Farm will develop a sustainable ministry which supports urban farmers and provides healthy food for those experiencing food insecurity, and invites the community to participate, gather and connect.

Coming Soon

Grace Community Farm


About Us:

Grace Community Farm is being developed in collaboration with CRECE Urban Farms. The garden is being developed to support a mission which supports urban farmers and provides healthy, locally grown food for charities and the community.

Leveraging the unused property on our site, the congregation of Our Saviour’s hopes to build on the terrific expertise of CRECE in our mission to provide healthy food for those experiencing food insecurity and for the community.

Grace Community Farm will offer our congregation and our neighborhood many opportunities!  Learn about sustainable urban gardening through education workshops and to get hands on experience through volunteering opportunities.  We are excited that we will be providing Our Saviour’s Children’s Center expanded education services through the garden. Community garden plots or plot rentals will not be available.

Composting Volunteer Day (1221) (1).png

Donations & Volunteering:

Grace Community Farm will be supported and funded through our partnership with CRECE Urban Farms, grants and the generous donations of our congregation and community.

If you are interested in providing a donation for our effort, we are grateful! Donations are fully tax deductible.  Please click here 

We will work to have planned volunteer days at the site that are consistent each month.  Please click here if you would like updates on Grace Community Farm or if you would like to volunteer.


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